How to Transition to a Paperless Office

Despite the digital revolution, many organizations still rely on paper-based processes. Managing paper can be time-consuming and expensive, yet it’s still common practice among many companies today. 

Transitioning to a paperless office will offer your business a number of benefits, including reduced clutter, increased efficiency, faster access to information and cost savings. In addition, eliminating paper in the workplace will contribute to your organization’s sustainability goals. 

Going paperless is not something that needs to happen overnight. To help your transition go smoothly, here are several ways to ease into a paperless office:

1. Determine what your current printing needs are.

A Managed Print Services provider can complete a print assessment to make you aware of your actual printing volumes and costs. This fact-based report will allow you to map out a plan to go paperless with your processes without disrupting your workplace. 

2. Make yourself familiar with cloud-based applications.

Today’s multifunction devices rely on cloud-based applications to easily transmit information. Make yourself familiar with these applications and ask your clients and business partners if they’re already using the cloud. 

3. Start scanning any paperwork that you receive.

Ease into a paperless workplace by making it a policy to start scanning any paperwork that you receive to create digital files. Many of today’s scanners and multifunction printers allow documents to be scanned to email and saved as digital files. 

4. Offer digital signing of documents. 

Allowing documents to be approved and signed electronically will streamline workflows and allow your processes to be completed in a more efficient manner. Most countries now consider electronically-signed contracts to be as legally binding as those signed with a pen. 

5. Maximize the floor plan of your workplace.

By going paperless, you’ll no longer have a need for large file cabinets that take up a lot of square footage in the workplace. This will allow you to update your office layout to make it a more functioning space to work. 

6. Offer your employees incentive to go paperless.

Get your employees to “buy in” to the idea of a paperless office by rewarding them for printing fewer documents. Make them aware of how this initiative will impact the overall organization.

Contact us to learn how going paperless will help your business reach its fullest potential. 

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