Data Security: It’s Not Just for High-Tech Threats!

Data Security: It's Not Just for High-Tech Threats!, RYAN Business Systems, CT, NH, MA

Today, most discussions about data security tend to focus on malware, phishing, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and network firewall breaches. While these are legitimate concerns, be sure you don’t forget to protect against low-tech security vulnerabilities.

Backup is the Key

Two important aspects your security plan should include data backup and protecting against inappropriate access. First, critical data should be redundantly backed up on a regular basis to protect against damage, loss due to disaster or theft. Make sure you keep copies offsite. Second, focus on inappropriate access. This can include eavesdropping or cyber snooping. Backup can’t prevent these problems, and if access is not properly handled, it can increase your vulnerability.

Server closets and locked cabinets can help protect your server and storage media, but your employees may be using equipment that is harder to protect like tablets, smartphones, pocket drives, flash drives and more. A recent Forrester report found that on average 26-percent of global information workers are accessing sensitive data, like customer information, from devices other than dedicated work computers.

Here are a few ways data can be breached (beyond hacking) and how to protect your critical business data:

  • Physical Theft – Unprotected hardware can be easliy stolen. Remind employees to store and lock valuable assets in secure places. Also keep all data encrypted for an additional layer of security.
  • Keep Track of Paper – Sensitive documents kept on a desk or left in the printer tray are easy prey. Never leave sensitive documents lying around where they can be stolen, phone-snapped, or easily copied.
  • Power Issues – Surges, spikes and interruptions can alter or destroy data. Ensure you’re up to date with power protections like surge protectors.
  • Environmental Disasters – Fire, water, cold, smoke and heat can damage data. Start with climate controlled computer closets or rooms with computer safe fire suppression. Have an alert system installed.

In general, as we continue to become a more digital society, data is at risk from more and more complex technological methods. While this is a fact of life, the truth is there are plenty of low-tech ways you can put your data at risk that are no less devastating. For more tips on how to protect your company’s sensitive data, contact us today.

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